haus bill

Designed by Max Bill, the residential home and artist's studio was built in 1967 and is located in Zumikon, near Zurich. The property borders on a nature conservation area and measures approximately three hectares. The classic Bill structure has been preserved in its original condition; geothermal energy and solar electricity systems have been installed in 2007 and 2013.

Today, the building houses the Max Bill Georges Vantongerloo foundation in addition to the home and studios of Angela Thomas and Erich Schmid and the premises of their joint production company, Ariadne Film. There are also various guest rooms.

At ‹haus bill›, publications and films are produced, and cultural events as well as guided tours are held.

rezension der max bill-biografie band 1 + 2

band 2 von konstruktiver klarheit figuriert auf der longlist der 21 schönsten deutschen sachbücher
